Friday, February 28, 2014


Finally we have rain and it’s been coming down in sheets all day long. Turning ordinary street gutters into rivers. Causing mudslides across the hillsides, and bringing out the “stupid-gene” in a handful of teenage boys outside my window.

I watched these guys for a bit and after awhile I was just waiting to hear that sickening *THUD* sound as a black car tried to do wheelies in the middle of the rain-slicked street while his buddies cheered him on from the sidewalk. The driver then continued to maneuver the wheels of his car along the curb – making a fabulous spray of rain water - trying to further dampen his pals.  They all seemed to be having a great time ... but as a mom ... I could just S.E.E. an accident waiting to happen.  (Mom’s are pretty astute that way!)

As I heard the car gunning its engine I looked up from my work and saw a tall, lanky kid spread over the back of the car like a starfish holding on for dear life. But as the thrill-seeking driver tried to execute another donut, the clinging starfish went F. L. Y. I. N. G. off the back of the car and bounced H.A.R.D. several times across the street. It was a NASTY fall and the kid had to have hurt more than his pride.

Sure enough ... he got up slowly and it was obvious, he was hurting. OUCH!  And all I could think was ... “Ya dumb kid! What were you thinking?” 

And I wondered... does God ever just shake His head as He watches me make my foolish mistakes?  It must be hard for Him to watch me learn ... the hard way.

I don’t know about you, but I’m so thankful that even when I fall He extends His hand to help me up. I’m thankful that He dusts me off.  He bandages my wounds, along with my shattered pride. And He loves me.  He simply loves me.

“He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.” ~ Psalm 147:3

Monday, February 24, 2014

“Do You Qualify?”

I had to smile at the delicate and kind way the cashier said, “Ma’am, do you qualify for the discount?”   It took me a moment to figure out exactly what she was trying to say... but I got it!  Translation:  Hey Lady, you look old enough for today’s discount... but I’ve gotta ask, just to make sure!”

I smiled as I asked her:  “How old do I HAVE to be to qualify?”  She told me the magic age and I let out a big *WHOOP-WHOOP* as I realized that not only do I qualify ... I’m three years PAST discount age at this particular “establishment.” 

As I was driving home the words... “Do you qualify?”  kept rolling around in my head...  I’m thankful that God has never asked me what my qualifications are before allowing me to follow and serve Him.  I’m thankful that He’s never asked me if I'm qualified before putting someone in my path that needs encouragement or to reach out to during the course of my day. 

Nope! “God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.”  For THIS ... (and my discount) I am thankful.

Yes, I QUALIFY!!!  And so do you.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Dandelion Digger...

 As a kid around my house on Sunday mornings, meant waking up early, having breakfast AND digging dandelions. Bucket in one hand... dandelion digger in the other... and off to work I would go. At first I was paid was just a penny for each dandelion in the bucket, but then I got wise and asked for a raise. I’m not sure it ever got up to 10¢ a weed  ... but perhaps it did because my faithful and persistent “digging” resulted in a yard nearly dandelion free. 

Nope! Dad did NOT like dandelions. N.o.t. o.n.e. l.i.t.t.l.e. b.i.t. And now, all these years later... you will still find me on a Sunday going back and forth in my yard in a grid-type fashion... bucket in one hand, and dandelion digger in the other. Not as faithfully as I did as a kid... obviously... as our yard has its fair share of golden beauties. But I too, get annoyed by these pesky weeds that always seem to find a nesting place in my yard and flowerbeds.  I guess in some ways the dandelion digger doesn’t fall too far from the tree... (so to speak!)

Today would have been my father’s 91st  birthday... And this afternoon I saw this healthy beauty tucked safely between the patio bricks in our front walkway. A colorful reminder of my past.  A reminder of Sunday mornings.  A reminder of my father.     

Happy Birthday Dad.  This one’s for you!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


It happened again ... at Target... at the check-out lane.

The cashier scanned all my items and told me the total ... and I said ~ “That just can’t be right!”  She looked back through the charges and realized she had failed to scan a $40.00 item.
Photo from BING.  HONEST!!

Her response to me... “THANK YOU FOR BEING SO HONEST!”   

Honestly... it made me feel pretty good to be CAUGHT AGAIN... for simply being H.O.N.E.S.T.!  


Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Michael’s last words to me as I was opening the door this morning to go for my morning walk were..   
Be careful!  Watch for cars!  ... and I love you!” 

I’m always careful and extra cautious when I walk without my sweetheart.  And I always smile when he offers these words of caution to me. I smile because his words let me know he’s concerned for my safety AND...  that he loves me.  

Oh, it was a lovely morning for a walk. It was warm. The sky was blue with a few clouds and being outside just felt good! 

A few minutes later ...  I paused at a 4-way stop making sure the way was clear.  I motioned to a couple
(image from BING)
of cars to go ahead, not wanting them to wait for me.  A large SUV was slowing to a stop on the other side of the street. All seemed safe ...  so I stepped off the curb and started to hustle across the intersection ... but for “SOME REASON” I looked towards where I thought the woman had stopped her SUV at the stop-sign... only to INSTANTLY realize that her shiny dark fender was now lined up perfectly with the right side of my body. I FROZE!!!!  She slammed on her brakes. The look of total surprise and shock filled her face.  I don’t know who was more stunned...  the driver? Or me? 

The REALITY WAS ... I was INCHES... INCHES away from the fender on her big old, heavy car. I was inches away from serious injury. 

She moved on ... and I made it safely to the other side of the street...  and OH how I wanted to just kneel down right there on the sidewalk and THANK JESUS!  But my adrenalin was pumping so fast that I offered my praises as I kept moving down the sidewalk.  But believe me when I say ... I WAS DEFINITELY THANKING GOD!!!!!  

An “ordinary” day?  And “ordinary” words? No, I don’t think so!  I’m coming to believe there’s no such thing as O.R.D.I.N.A.R.Y.  Only extraordinary when God’s involved.

 For he will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you in all your way.”

Psalm 91:11

Monday, February 10, 2014


I'm in need of some BIG-TIME PEACE today. And I'm (finally) realizing I can't "pretend" myself into peace... the kind that grows deep down in my soul kind of peace.  I cannot manufacture peace...  nor sit with my legs twisted up like a pretzel until they fall asleep and "ummmmmmm-ing" my anxious soul into a peaceful place of existence. ONLY GOD can give me the peace I so desperately need right now. 

His  peace is like a flowing river (Isaiah 48:18) and thankfully, it's not a stagnant pond. His peace can, and is constantly washing over me and through me... as long as I don't build a beaver-dam to stop His flow.

So the "remedy" for this kind of peace? It begins with one step. Stepping into the living, flowing water of HIS loving, grace-filled river of P.E.A.C.E! 

Excuse for me for awhile - will you... I'm going for a long swim.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Dreams are a very curious thing.  From what little I’ve read about them, they (sometimes) help process events, emotions, feelings and experiences. With that being said, last night was a very busy night of “processing” an upcoming event that I’m dreading.

I was awakened from my sleep with an icy cold rush of F.E.A.R. It took me a moment to realize that thankfully, it was just a dream.  What WAS my dream?  It was this:

I was hiding in the corner of a very dark concrete building. Terrified of being found. But the one I was hiding from found me. I cowered like a little child in the corner with my hands covering my head and curled up in a fetal position. The “finder” stood over me and just screamed at me. Spewing out pent up, angry, hurtful words. It seemed like the barrage  lasted forever in dreamland but eventually I stood up and came face to face with this angry person and calmly said something... then walked out of the building. 

Yes, it was a very disturbing dream. I found myself trying to figure it out while trying to NOT let it feed my fears. Even as I sat down to have my morning devotions ... I was still deeply troubled.

I opened up my devotional book and was bowled over as I looked at the title of the morning devo:  “FEAR FACTORS.”  Then was in added AWE as I read the selected morning scripture:  

 “This is what the Lord says to you: “Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the battle is not yours, but God’s ... STAND and WATCH – but do not fight the battle. There you will watch God save you... DO NOT FEAR OR WORRY.... face the army and TRUST that God is with you." 
2 Chronicles 20:15 . (Emphasis mine) 

Even though the devotional book was published in 2011 - I couldn’t help but marvel at it’s perfect timing for today. The words I read this morning gave me comfort. They brought me Assurance. Strength. and ... P.E.A.C.E.  

Bottom line... I don’t need to worry or be afraid.  God is already IN my "tomorrow’s"... Just as He was already IN my “today’s.”

Monday, February 3, 2014


Ok ... I’ll admit it ... I was bummed last night after the Denver Bronco’s lost, or
should I say got “crushed” by the Seahawks.  Years ago when I lived in Denver I attended many-a-Bronco-game and as a true Bronco fan, I had a sufficient Sunday wardrobe of ORANGE.n.BLUE. Though my interest in football has waned over the years I was still able to put on a bit of ORANGE.n.BLUE yesterday in support of the ORANGE CRUSH. But OH, how ugly the game was... right from the start.  And the finish was even worse. 

It was sad as the camera’s zeroed in on the guys sitting on the Bronco bench. Bewilderment and defeat were written all over their faces. Nothing they “tried” to do changed the winning momentum of the game. The Bronco’s seemed and were rendered powerless.

Sometimes I get that overwhelmed, powerless, defeated feeling, too. And I find myself sitting on the sidelines with my head in my hands. Problems and concerns seem to mount up and it’s so easy to give up and let discouragement win.

As I was thinking about this I realized that I NEVER need to feel defeated!  I AM on THE WINNING TEAM!  GOD’s team has ready WON and He’s picked me to be on HIS SIDE!  I have all the power backing me until the earthly clock ticks down to zero... and heaven’s clock begins to run clear into eternity.  HIS POWER!

I love the words in Ephesians 3:20 ~ “With GOD’S POWER working in us, God can do much, much more than anything we can ask or imagine.” 

God is for me.  God is for US! Each one of us.  We’re ON HIS WINNING SIDE!!!   And just knowing this WINNING TRUTH ... we can constantly have all the COURAGE we need to keep pressing forward.  Even when we’re tired, overwhelmed and discouraged by the stuff of this life... in the end ... by Gods grace ... WE WIN!