Thursday, May 8, 2014


The last few days have been a bit sad and troubling for me. I’ve been watching a mother’s love being poured out for her “baby” many times throughout the day, and sadly, I now know that the outcome isn’t going to be a happy one.

It all began while watching a plain-looking brown mama bird feeding her adult “baby” earlier in the week... I nick-named the baby Butterball for obvious reasons.  At the time I thought this was just a bird who DIDN’T want to grow up and leave mama ... OR Mama wasn’t ready to cut the apron strings with her precious feathered offspring.  Now I know that neither of my hunches were accurate. For you see, Butterball is one very, very sick bird and he’s not going to survive.

As I’ve realized the situation, I’ve been intrigued by the faithfulness of the mother.  She is constantly gathering birdseed from our feeder then taking the seeds to her baby.  The moment she comes near, Butterball starts chirping and mama drops the food into his beak.  She repeats this action over and over again. I’ve watched as she flies a short distance away, resting on the grass where she will start chirping. Perhaps trying to encourage and coax Butterball to come to her. When he doesn’t budge, the mother continues to bring him food and will sit on the grass near him. What a picture of love and devotion.

As we enter into this Mother’s Day weekend...  and as I’m seeing a mother’s L.O.V.E. being clearly displayed by my backyard-feathered-friends... I am realizing afresh how much love MY mother’s had for me over these yea-many years.  A love that was displayed by "ordinary" things day in and day out, year after year. I also think of the love I have for  both of my children. It is deeper and richer than I ever thought possible. 

On the close of this evening I can only say - THANK YOU Father ... for creating and showing me YOUR L.O.V.E. in so many special ways.  Yes, even through the love of a mama bird and her baby. 

“Two sparrows sell for a farthing, don’t they? Yet not a single sparrow falls to the ground without your Father’s knowledge. . .  Never be afraid, then—you are far more valuable than sparrows .                                                                                                                            Matthew 10:29-31