I love having the
sliding door open to enjoy the fragrance of freshly mowed grass… mixed with the
delicious smells of potted jasmine.
I enjoy watching and hearing the
birds chirping and squabbling for their turn at the bird feeder.
I’ve even come to enjoy the playful
antics of “The Squirrel Twins”… along
with their parents.
*FYI – the “Twirl-a-Squirrel”
– yes, there IS such a thing! - eliminated my morning angst - as
those furry, creative critters would spend MY precious minutes jumping from
tree to feeder. THEIR GOAL... to consume
as much bird seed as quickly as possible before I start banging on the sliding
yes - Mornings. Sweet. Peaceful. Beautiful.
Quiet mornings.
I was STUNNED at the variety of traps on the shelves. You’ve got the:
- “Catch and RELEASE” trap (what’s the point with THAT trap???)
- The “Sticky Tape” trap (sounds awful!)
- $40.00-$99.00 for the “ELECTRIC Rat-Zapper” (I am NOT paying that amount of money to electrocute a rodent!)
- The “Ultra Sonic Rodent Repeller”
- …and my personal favorite – “Tomcat 33545 Spin Trap!” I was tempted… really tempted… as I reflected on how effective the “TWIRL-A-SQUIRELL” gizmo was!
However, I snapped back to reality and purchased the sleek, black “Tomcat Snap Rat Trap.”
The trap was carefully set. The waiting began. Time.
Patience. Persistence. Good things come
to those who wait – RIGHT? A couple of days passed. Nothing. Nadda. Zilch. But finally …shhhh…. here he comes… dancing and prancing around the
trap like a ballerina. Taunting. Tormenting
and Teasing me. Ahh…. but not for long. I
won’t give you the final details… but let me just say – he’s resting
comfortably. And all was right with the world once again.
Another morning.
Another “sighting” but I GASPED as I saw not one, but TWO
little baby r.a.t.s. SITTING ON THE SET-TRAP …
merrily eating the peanut butter and bird-seed appetizer. Their combined weight was not enough to set
the trap into SNAPPING action. Mercy
A quick trip BACK to the Hardware store – returning with two
black, sleek “Tomcat Snap Mouse Traps.” I felt like Clint Eastwood as
I set those traps – saying …
“Go ahead! Make
My Day!”
Well, time has past – and 7, yes SEVEN R.A.T.S.
of assorted ages have “successfully” encountered the “Tomcat.” And are
“resting peacefully” thank you very much!
However, I’m keeping my traps set … and
my eyes open!
of this “stalking” a R.A.T.
drama - has caused me to think…
- Am I this vigilant and aware of what’s going on in my daily spiritual life?
The devil is a sneaky foe. He
can be lurking about, unknown… undetected… but his presence can wreck havoc. He
is, after all, on a search and destroy mission. And I’m his target!
- Am I taking the immediate, important and necessary precautions to keep the enemy away?
It’s not enough to “know” that there’s an enemy… I need to prepare FOR
the enemy, “lest I fall…” He is, after-all,”
looking too and fro to see who he can devour.”
- Am I asking and allowing God to keep watch over me… Keeping ME alert and on guard in my day to day living?
God wants to help … Will I let Him?
Will you?
“Keep a cool head. Stay alert. The Devil is
poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping. Keep
your guard up. You’re not the only ones plunged into these hard times. It’s the
same with Christians all over the world. So keep a firm grip on the faith. The
suffering won’t last forever. It won’t be long before this generous God who has
great plans for us in Christ—eternal and glorious plans they are!—will have you
put together and on your feet for good. He gets the last word; yes, he does.” I Peter 5:8-11 (Message)